Thursday, December 01, 2011

Here I Lie - Iron Fist

I purchased these heels a long while ago.

Now, I usually wear a size 10 in shoes, but not knowing how these would really fit, I ordered an 11. It was a very good thing, because these shoes were so unbelievably tight & uncomfortable. I had to resort to the frozen water trick for some toe relief....

Fill a zipper baggie about 1/4 to 1/2 full with water & close it TIGHT! Slip the bag of water into the toe of the shoe & try to make sure it's filling in all the toe space well. Then pop the entire thing into the freezer & leave it overnight (or till the water is completely frozen!) When you remove the ice the next day, it should have stretched the shoes a bit. You can repeat this to get a little more stretch.

Now these shoes are polyurethane (as far as I know), so I wasn't sure how well they'd stretch. But they really stretched quite a bit. Now, after wearing them a lot, they are loose & rather comfortable. They do hurt the balls of my feet after walking for a few hours, but again, there is zero padding/cushion, so that is to be expected.

These have something like a  5" heel & a 1" platform. But they are extremely easy to walk in. I really love wearing them with jeans.

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